CREATE TABLE sistema.t_chat ( id serial NOT NULL, "from" character varying, "to" character varying, message text, sent timestamp without time zone, recd integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT pkey_chat_id PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITHOUT OIDS; CREATE TYPE sistema.d_chat AS (id integer, "from" character varying, "to" character varying, message text, sent timestamp without time zone, recd integer); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sistema.f_chat_insert(p_from character varying, p_to character varying, p_msj character varying) RETURNS boolean AS $BODY$ /* New function body */ begin insert into sistema.t_chat ("from","to",message,sent) values ($1,$2 ,$3,now()); return 't'; end $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sistema.f_chat_list() RETURNS SETOF sistema.d_diccionario AS $BODY$ declare r sistema.d_diccionario; BEGIN for r in select u.idusuario as item , cuenta as descripcion from sistema.t_usuarios u inner join ( select max(fechahora) as f_ini,idusuario from sistema.t_logs where mensaje ilike '%inicia%' and (date_part('day',( fechahora - now()))=0 and date_part('hour',( fechahora - now()))=0 and date_part('minutes',( fechahora - now()))<-0.1) group by idusuario ) ini on ini.idusuario=u.idusuario left join ( select max(fechahora) as f_fin,idusuario from sistema.t_logs where mensaje ilike '%termina%' and (date_part('day',( fechahora - now()))=0 and date_part('hour',( fechahora - now()))=0 and date_part('minutes',( fechahora - now()))< -1) group by idusuario ) ter on ter.idusuario=u.idusuario --where f_ini > f_fin loop return next r; end loop; end $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sistema.f_chat_select(p_username character varying) RETURNS SETOF sistema.d_chat AS $BODY$ /* New function body */ select * from sistema.t_chat c where ( like $1 AND c.recd = 0) order by ASC $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'sql' VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sistema.f_chat_update(p_username character varying) RETURNS boolean AS $BODY$ /* New function body */ begin update sistema.t_chat set recd = 1 where like p_username and recd = 0; return 't'; end $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER; INSERT INTO "sistema"."t_eventos" ("idevento", "evento", "descripcion", "idsistema", "seteable", "permiso", "navegable") VALUES (1100, 'chatheartbeat', 'CHAT - recivir', 1, 0, 1100, 0); INSERT INTO "sistema"."t_eventos" ("idevento", "evento", "descripcion", "idsistema", "seteable", "permiso", "navegable") VALUES (1101, 'sendchat', 'CHAT - enviar', 1, 0, 1100, 0); INSERT INTO "sistema"."t_eventos" ("idevento", "evento", "descripcion", "idsistema", "seteable", "permiso", "navegable") VALUES (1102, 'closechat', 'CHAT - close', 1, 0, 1100, 0); INSERT INTO "sistema"."t_eventos" ("idevento", "evento", "descripcion", "idsistema", "seteable", "permiso", "navegable") VALUES (1103, 'startchatsession', 'CHAT - iniciar', 1, 1, 1100, 0);